Sonoma County TimeBank Fundraiser
May 2011
This was another one of our Local Eyes events and BFWF would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated to help make this a fantastic night. On many levels the evening was a great success. We had amazing support from local merchants, non-profits, artists, entertainers and many volunteers. Hats off to Aubergine After Dark in Sebastopol for their generous assistance and use of their wonderful venue. This was certainly a night to remember complete with prizes, great food, the too much fun Frame Hop-in Photo Booth, three different bands, face-painting and more. It was a wild night of action, activism and fun, fun, fundraising. Details, pictures, video and updates coming soon.
The 350 Home & Garden Challenge After Party
May 2011
Wow! This event was really a lot fun. It was quite a larger turn-out than we had expected and a great time for all. Picture yourself spending the weekend transforming your home town into an energy efficient, water wise, sustainable oasis. That's exactly what the 350 Home & Garden Challenge was about. Started in 2010 by Daily Acts, this year, 2011, Transition US got involved and it went National. In Sonoma County we inspired 1,000's of actions to grow food, save water, conserve energy and build community. And when the work was done the party had begun. We're still catching our breath and busy with our next event so check back and we'll have updates, pictures and details.
Solar Energy & Efficiency Fair
June 2010
In a continued effort to support the conversion to solar and renewable energy technologies Rustie Woods of Blusion® for World Fusion once again jumped on board to assist with the planning and production of Solar Sonoma County's 2010 Solar Energy and Efficiency Fair. The new name for the event was the first noteworthy change... (read more)
October 2009
The Blusion® for World Fusion team are avid supporters of local non-profit radio and would like to see it become a far more common source of information and entertainment in our culture. No one knows what matters to a community better than the people who live there. We feel that there are very few political and social projects that are as important as breaking the corporate stranglehold on news and information in America, because this one "issue"... (read more)
Solar Fair
June 2009
Blusion® for World Fusion, in principle, supports a rapid and sustained conversion to solar and renewable energy technologies, accompanied by a dramatic overall reduction of energy use. There is enough evidence, we believe, to conclude that immediate action in that direction might have a positive impact on hopes for human survival and prosperity in the coming years... (read more)
Local Eyes
October 2008
On October 11, 2008, Blusion® for World Fusion partnered with our friends at Solar Works to present a music show and community building event we called Local Eyes. The place was Odd Fellows Hall in Sebastopol California. This was the first in a planned series of events aimed at strengthening our local community and encouraging citizens to engage in progressive activism, while having as much fun as possible... (read more)
Stay Tuned
Blusion® for World Fusion is looking forward to producing more events in the near future. We are constantly seeking opportunities to merge effective activism with booty shakin'. Check back for updates on future events, or contact us if you have an event that we can assist you with. Please give us a shout and share your ideas about shows, activism, education, social movements, health care, localization efforts, etc.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Until next time, let's keep marching and dancing in the streets!
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