The BFWF Team has been working to create an all-encompassing and concise description of our organization, its projects and its intended areas of outreach. We've been busy changing the web site to reflect these ideas and goals and hope you find the new look more informative and useful. We will be adding new content at a rapid rate over the next few weeks so please check back frequently.
One of our long time associates and dear friend, Karina Corbett, has joined the team. She's jumping in immediately to assist with research, organization structure and project building as well as offering her brilliant and creative photographic talents as the official BFWF photo-journalist. This is huge and we've already begun planning some photo events to get the archival process started ASAP. Karina has helped with many BFWF events over the years and her talents, ideas and skills have always been a great asset to all of our endeavours. Welcome aboard Karina!
Kaitlin Deasy, our ag specialist, just left to participate in an intensive two month internship where she will be learning about rocket stoves, cobb building and bee keeping, all integral elements of our AGLF project. Immediately after she completes this program she is hoping to attend a three week course at Oregon State University on permaculture design. The skills and knowledge gained from these programs will be vital in furthering the developemnt of the BFWF prototype facility, Aqua Green Living Farms. Please stop by our Fundraising Campaign and help us send Kaitlin to these additional classes to gain the skills and knowledge that will aide in our quest to develop sustainable local food sources, create jobs and build independent communities.
Blusion® for World Fusion is extremely fortunate to have the interest and participation of Stephanie Picard-Colomb. A wizard in organizational structure and business development, Stephanie has taken on the task of defining the goals of BFWF and writing a clear and concise mission statement. She has recently completed the first working draft. When finalized we will be on our way to seeking additional collaborative assistance and partnerships with other organizations and individuals currently active with similiar socio-economic and environmenal objectives. Her talents and vision to move BFWF forward in our quest to facilitate social justice and environmental sustainability are inspiring and endless. We will definitely keep you updated with Stephanie's accomplishments.
Ongoing Campaigns & Projects
It seems not so long ago that we started a BFWF Facebook Page. We would appreciate it if you would drop by, check it out and hit the "Like" button.
Our most recent and very exciting project, Aqua Green Living Farms, which we began in collaboration with George Beeler of Aim Associates, is taking shape. The vision keeps growing as we learn more about renewable sustainable systems that will bring us closer to developing our closed-loop organic food production and distribution facility with an almost net-zero carbon foot-print. The implications that this project and its technology holds for the future of our planet are astounding. We will keep you updated as we learn more and get closer to realizing this incredible dream.
Days Gone By
It hardly seems like it was almost one year ago that we finished a couple of great events in collaboration with Sonoma County ShareExchange but sure enough that's how long it's been. May 15, 2011 was the 350 Garden Challenge After Party. It was a great time and the Garden Challenge was a huge success. Don't miss the 2012 Challenge set for May 12th & 13th.
Immediately following that event, on May 28, 2011 we kicked off our Local Eyes series with the Sonoma County TimeBank Fundraiser. A heartfelt thank you to all of the local merchants who generously donated to our raffle, the fantastic volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the night, the wonderful non-profits sharing their valuable information, and of course the fantastic musicians who kept the night hopping. We look forward to producing another Local Eyes event sometime in late 2012.
Another great event that BFWF was proud to have participated in was the ShareFair held July 10, 2011 in downtown Santa Rosa on Fifth Street, between B & D Streets. The ShareFair was a newly conceived community event produced by the ShareExchange and co-sponsored by the Santa Rosa Arts District. It was a great day and we hope to do this event again.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the ShareFair and especially to those who answered our call for puppeteers, magicians, jugglers, Norteno musicians, Ballet Folklorico groups, face-painters and stage hands.
If you are interested in participating in future BFWF events please feel free to submit your E-Kit to us and be sure to include your contact info. Thanks so much, we look forward to hearing from you.
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